Families First Rebate: Per the bill:
“For the vast majority of Americans, no action on their part will be required in order to receive a rebate check. This includes many low-income individuals who file a tax return in order to take advantage of the refundable earned income tax credit and child tax credit.”
For those who have already filed 2018 and 2019 taxes and whose information is up to date and accurate, there’s no need to do anything at all. For our clients that may not have filed tax returns, they should go to the IRS website and fill out a form. Remember -if you have moved you need to update the IRS on your change of address.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6lvN7p3778[/embedyt]
COVID 19 Update:
Although we will be seeing more infections in the days ahead, my son Nathan just left and said “we’re feeling a lot better about our ability to deal with the progression here in Orange County. We have to be very very careful, we can’t let our guard down but we can breathe a little easier that maybe what we’re doing is working.” We at PI will continue to make plans to cross train all of our staff so there is no interruption in care for the people we are committed to serve. We may have staff on Quarantine because of exposure but we will still need to be there when we are needed.
Again thank you to everyone for your generosity of spirit, kindness and good humor. Our quote for the day is “You cannot calm the storm so quit trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.”
Warmest regards to all,