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Robert Watson

2023-02-16T04:35:10+00:00March 16, 2022|

(714) 549-3464 ext. 232 Stepping up from his role as associate director at PI, he replaces retired CEO Debra Marsteller. In 2007, after 26 years leading former Vantage Foundation and building the first integrated work supports system for people with the most complex lives, Marsteller joined with Watson in conducting a successful merger with Project Independence that seamlessly blended the two programs into one, keeping the focus on those served ...

Dorothy M Blubaugh

2023-02-16T04:36:13+00:00March 16, 2022| 714.549.3464 Dorothy Blubaugh is the chief operations officer and director of community day services ay Project Independence.  Previously, she served as director of operations for California-based Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis, which provides positive behavior practices in a range of services, for children and adults with disabilities and autism, both internationally and within the United States. She was previously IABA’s director of community-based Behavior Day and Employment Services.

Bernard Uy

2022-11-02T01:24:12+00:00March 16, 2022| (714) 549-3464 ext. 282 Bernard is the Controller for Project Independence.  Bernard started his journey with Project Independence in October 1999.  Bernard, a former Administrator for an Adult Residential Facility, manages Payroll and Accounting and oversees the IT functions of the organization.  Bernard, not only brings administrative skills but also hands on experience as well.

Meka Green

2023-02-16T04:38:36+00:00March 16, 2022| 714 549-3464 ext. 227 Meka Green has worked at Project Independence, initially in direct support of the clients directly and now in her current role as the Director of Human Resources. Meka works diligently to assure that Project Independence recruits, trains and supports staff that will go the extra mile to serve those who need us most. Meka takes great pride in the strong relationships she maintains with both ...

Mike Voegele

2023-02-16T04:40:03+00:00March 16, 2022| (714) 549-3464 ext. 224 Mike Voegele is the Director of Independent Living and Supported Living at Project Independence.  Independent Living services teach the skills needed for consumers to live independently in their own apartments.  Supported Living services provide the needed in-home support and care that consumers may need in order remain successfully living in their own apartments. Mike began his career at Project independence as in Psychology intern from Cal-State ...

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