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Independent Living Vs. Supported Living

2023-12-22T06:59:17+00:00December 22, 2023|Program Updates, Stories|

Project Independence offers an Independent Living and a Supported Living Program. Both options aim to empower individuals with the necessary tools and support to lead fulfilling lives, but they do so in distinct ways. While Independent Living encourages self-sufficiency and autonomy, Supported Living offers a more structured support system tailored to specific needs. Project Independence’s Independent Living program provides in-home supports and living skills training to people with intellectual disabilities ...

Project Independence brings holiday cheer to clients

2022-08-09T02:17:36+00:00January 20, 2022|Program Updates, Stories|

After discovering that many of their clients were going empty handed this past holiday season.  Project Independence and their staff compiled dozens of  gift bags to be delivered to our adults living with developmental disabilities.  A population already at risk of isolation, during these extraordinary times, it has become even more important to safely make contact and connection with the clients. Many Project staff stepped up to play the role of ...

An Access 2 Adventure Thanksgiving

2022-08-09T02:17:37+00:00December 15, 2021|Program Updates, Stories|

Twenty-five Project Independence staff and clients gathered at the Hometown Buffet in Anaheim to put the “Thanks” in Thanksgiving this season. Through a generous grant to the Access 2 Adventure Program at Project Independence from the Louis & Gladyce Foster Family Foundation, the group got together for a wonderful feast,  much-needed laughter, and friendship.  “ I was going to sit at home and watch TV alone, but my friends at Project ...


2022-08-09T02:17:45+00:00October 13, 2020|Program Updates, Stories|

1. What are Alternative Nonresidential Services (Alternative Services)? Alternative Services is a way for consumers to receive nonresidential services that may have been disrupted by the COVID-19 State of Emergency. Service providers can offer supports that differ from their traditional program design and respond to any new needs and interests that have emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some examples are: • Delivering food, personal protective equipment • ...

Working to improve access while celebrating 30 years of the ADA

2022-08-09T02:17:46+00:00August 28, 2020|Program Updates|

By DEBRA MARSTELLER | AUG. 10, 2020 The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. Most of us who were alive at the time remember vividly the sight of people abandoning their wheelchairs and crawling up the 78 marble steps of the U.S. Capitol to make their voices heard. The civil rights law they fought for and won prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public ...

Extra Mile Award 2017

2022-08-09T02:18:09+00:00October 11, 2017|Program Updates, Supported Employment|

Tom Peale, Trader Joe's employee and Project Independence client, gave this congratulatory  speech at our 2017 Walk for Independence on September 8th 2017 as Trader Joe's was presented the Extra Mile Award for going above and beyond to support Project Independence and our programs: Good morning everyone! What a great morning it has been! My name is Tom Peale, and it is my pleasure to be here today to congratulate ...

Summer Quarterly 2017 Newsletter

2022-08-09T02:18:11+00:00August 9, 2017|Program Updates|

Summer Newsletter Highlights: Supported Employment Surveys Make Your Voices Heard Jobs, Affordable Housing, and Transportation Employers Indicate Satisfaction with Project Independence Meet Carla Compton, Job Guru Strategic Plans for 2016-2017 Summer Quarterly 2017 Newsletter

PI at the OC Fair

2022-08-09T02:18:11+00:00August 9, 2017|Program Updates|

Every year the Orange County Fair opens their doors early for a memorable Fair experience to those who are challenged with physical and/or developmental disabilities. This year on July 20th many of our clients and staff had a wonderful day of smiles and laughter exploring the park luxuriously without the typical summer crowd.      

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